Published on Jan 30, 2023
VfB's been having one of those days, frens 🐸
I had been looking for Salty's new video earlier today...and I caught it fairly early - and what an intro!
HAMMER DOWN, babycakes!
Honour thy mother [and father...but I don't want to upset the Tobys too much] does seem that there are scripts that can be inserted into internet pathways to inhibit certain functions of web pages and/or services - that's why I never went along with (((cloud servicing))); too many layers between you and the service to truly find them reliable...but I digress
Pissed me off to some degree, since I'm not totally versed in their functions...but I have come up with a way to ensure secure communications - I call it the Wave Goodbye port
I've discussed this with a fellow named Trump...but any moar wud be telling 😉
So...having access to other providers, I decided that this video NEEDED a soundtrack - and what better song for this than...The Milano Mosh?!? Thanks to
My 1st time using it, so I didn't really end it properly...but it's much better with sound, yes?!?
Let's see how we do 🤠

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